Hi there and welcome to my website lifeisforfood.com!
I am Mayura, the cook and photographer behind “Life is for food”. For me, food is not just a necessity of survival, but rather a substance that can bring people together. Enjoying food with your loved ones is unlike any other feeling, especially when you are responsible for its deliciousness.
In the year of 2020, most of my friends and relatives started cooking a variety of food and experimenting with new dishes in their kitchen. Some of them shared pictures through social media. It really aroused my interest and needless to say that I actually became part of the same. My close friends and family members encouraged and motivated me to start a food blog. So I decided to venture into it, share my recipes and experience with you all.
My interest in cooking developed when I was in high school. I would surely accredit my mother who helped me learn the art of cooking. Cooking really relaxes me, makes me happy, and brings a smile onto my face. My motive behind Life is for food is to spread such happiness to my readers. Knowing that my home-cooked meals are fresher, healthier, and satisfying is my biggest inspiration.
I am not an expert or professional cook but all the recipes posted on my blog are prepared, tried, tested in my kitchen and enjoyed by my family. I sincerely believe that food prepared with a lot of care and love can make anybody happy and bellyful.

I was born into a Marathi family in Mumbai, India. My parents owned a food business and I was always fascinated by their dedication, hard work, time management, and patience. They are one of my sources of inspiration.
In my personal life, I am a wife and mother of a son. We are currently living in the United States. Both of them are my great support, critics, and they are always ready to try some new food from my kitchen. It really inspires me a lot to try something new!
My in-laws are a great support and they encourage me as well to follow my passion. Some of my recipes posted are learned from my mother in law.
I have a Masters in Psychology from University Of Mumbai, India. I was working as a counselor in a well known de-addiction rehabilitation center in Mumbai. Apart from cooking, I enjoy gardening, crafting jewelry, and I am an authorized seller on Etsy.com.
I hope you will find my recipes interesting and enjoy making them. If you try one of the recipes from my website, please feel free to share it with me. I would love to know about your experience.
If you have any questions, thoughts, and more ideas please send it to me. I would love to stay connected with you in many ways.
Comment On My Post: I will love to hear from you when you try a recipe!
Email Me: lifeisforfood@gmail.com.
Social Media: Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and check out what I am sharing on Pinterest.
Happy Cooking!